Dear Family and Friends,
Yes, we're still teaching Maria and Gabriella, however they've been out of town so we haven't seen them for a while. We're planning on scheduling a lesson with them for this week, which we're going to focus on Gabriella and talk about "Choosing the Right" and I'll give her one of those 'Allege Ce E Drept' (CTR) rings. We think that if we show Maria and Gabriella how much we really care about them, it will give them more of a connection with this church. What Maria needs really, is to see how much she and her daughter need this church. So that's our goal.
We use pre-made lesson plans out of English Class
books made for missionaries, and we have the classes at our church
(which, really, our church is only a Villa). However, we've had two
English classes already and I haven't taught anybody because no one is
advanced enough for my class ha, ha. One of the church members, Brother
Weber, has been coming to help because he is good at English, but we've
just been sitting in my class and talking about Romania and Oradea
because I have no students. I've learned a lot, though!
Here's some Oradea history:
Oradea is very
close to the border of Hungary, so most people here are Hungarian and
speak fluently in both Romanian and 'Limba Magyar', and some are
trilingual knowing English too. Over time, the territory of Oradea has
been owned back and forth between Hungary and Romania. Eventually after
Romania had claimed it for the final time, a man had posted a sign on a
large bridge that says "This Territory is Christ's Territory!" and the
fighting over the area stopped. Brother Weber says that outside of the
ward, Hungarians and Romanians don't like each other very much.
Sora Gerhartz was really enthusiastic to hear about
Oradean ancestry because her ancestry only four generations ago is from
here. She met a woman in her English class whose last name is the same
as her ancestors, and that made her really excited.
We've only done the singing contacting once, but it
wasn't really effective because we just walked around singing and it
didn't seem anything exciting was happening, so we'll be changing the
way we do it for next time. And yes, Sora Gerhartz sings and I sing and
singing just happens all of the time in and out of our apartment. And
sometimes we have to make an extra effort to remember that "Before He
Cheats" is not inviting of the spirit, Lol.
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The Modest Circus Attendants |
The circus was kind of silly ha, ha. Naturally, it was
geared toward kids (which was surprising, really, because the women
were dressed terribly). The first act was super boring, but the
second act they pulled out all the lions and Orlando did his signature
act which was balancing on tall stacks of round things and that got
pretty exciting. Although, because it took so much time out of what was
supposed to be a relaxing P-day, I'd say I wouldn't do that again :)
he, he. This week we're not doing any special activity and just taking it
easy. You know, as far as taking it easy goes as a missionary.
I've definitely been feeling much better this week.
Nothing's really changed, either, so I figure I'm just adjusting to all
of these new situations and scenarios. I caught a bit of a cold, so Wednesday
was a little slow with the work, but I've been fine otherwise. Of course, I
don't think I'm completely adjusted still, but Sora Hill is really good
about reminding us that we have her to call if we're struggling, so I
have a good support system. One thing I realized that has made this adjusting a little hard
for me was remembering that, for my very first transfer, I am white
washing AND opening a new city, which isn't easy for ANY transfer. Once I
realized that, though, it relieved a whole lot of stress and I actually
feel pretty good now.
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Ralphita, our investigator for role play! |
We've been doing a LOT of finding. We got 11 hours this week, which is a lot even considering I was sick on Wednesday
and we also have to take time out of every day for my 12-week program
(which every new missionary has to do). I LOVE 12-week. I can't say
anything bad about it (...because I told Elder Lake I wouldn't, lol).
So here's something important: if anyone sends me
something (packages, letters) it gets sent to the mission office and NOT
my residence, meaning not only will it take time to get mailed there,
but then it will be a few weeks before I see it. SO. If you'd rather
email, I'd rather you email.
Spiritual Story Time!
day, before we headed out to do contacting, Sora Gerhartz told me it
was my decision to choose where to go. So, we got on the bus, and I
prayed for God to let me know when to get off and where to take us. I
had made no plan where to go. Then, once we reached a stop we'd never
been to before, I felt my heart burn and I thought to myself, Okay I feel it, I feel it! We
got off and I walked straight into a park that seemed pretty empty.
There was one woman on a bench, I walked straight up to her in
confidence and started talking. I don't even remember what I said, I
just spoke about prayer or something and I actually talked to her for
the majority of that contact. Sora Gerhartz usually talks and I insert a
phrase or two, but not that time, I led that entire contact. And guess
what? We got her number out of it. We got three more numbers in that
park, which is pretty rare because Romanians are stingy about their
numbers. So yeah. That was pretty cool. Heavenly Father has a way
guiding us exactly where we need to go if we just ask for it.
that day, we went into a Xerox store to get some copies made, but the
man's store was out of power. Before we left, we left a pamphlet about
the Plan of Salvation. When we came back to that store another day to
see if he read it, he not only read it but he MARKED IT UP and really
STUDIED IT and had his Bible out comparing verses and he immediately
said to us when we walked in, "Hey, I have a few questions!" For 45
minutes, he just asked us a lot of things, like who Alma and Nefi are,
who holds the priesthood, etc. but never bad questions, he just
sincerely wanted to know more. His name is Marius, and he's just so
ready to hear about the restored gospel. We'll be visiting him again
with the elders this week.
note: In Romanian, you say "Vreu sa fac copii" (I want to make copies)
but you need to pronounce it 'CO-pi' rather than 'co-PI' or else you're
saying "Vreu sa fac copiii" (I want to make children). Lol.
members in our branch are so great. Even though the branch is small,
it's just as strong as any other ward. Sora Gerhartz and I got to visit
the Relief Society president and share a message with her. She even had a
non-member friend over, and we're hoping to get her more interested. The
president, Sora Costea, shared her story about her conversion and it
really is inspiring, and I'm sure many of the members are just as great.
We're having family home evening tonight with another sister from the
branch. President Hill tells me that the members are really excited to
have sisters now, and it seems like they all like us and are very
friendly. It's nice to know that we have a good branch that we'll be
bringing others into.
really don't get discouraged over how slow this mission is progressing.
I see other missionaries who do, but I really feel like Heavenly Father
is pleased with my work and as long as He is pleased, then everything
that is happening is how He wants it, right? And even though we don't
have a million baptisms lined up every week, I can still see how little
by little the faith is growing in these people.
one thing I do respect is how religious the people actually are.
Everyone does believe in Jesus Christ, and that's a huge thing. It's
really different than in America where everyone hides their religion and
you don't ever talk about it or show it outside of your church houses.
There are so many crosses and religious monuments everywhere, and people
are open about their religious beliefs (I'm sure the fact that
everyone's orthodox influences that, but you know).
I think that's everything. I actually wrote down a list of things to
remember to include in my email because I always forget a million
things, and Sora Gerhartz joked that I would forget the list when we got
to the Internet cafe for email time. Well guess what? I forgot it. So I
hope I included everything ha, ha.
hope that everything goes well, and that your hard work in the yard and
the basement will pay off! I was studying about sacrifice today when I
came across the lyric in "Praise to the Man" which reads, "sacrifice
brings forth the blessings of Heaven."
Deci, noroc si aveti grija! Va iubim!
Sora Smith
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